Mountain Loop Bikeway

Ditesco, an ESP company, was contracted by Colorado State University to develop final design drawings and provide construction administration services for the Mountain Loop Bikeway. The purpose of the design was to separate the bike and pedestrian traffic in a heavily trafficked part of campus while improving accessibility to ensure the space was fully ADA compliant. This project enhanced drainage between the Chemistry and Molecular and Radiological Biosciences (MRB) buildings and improved traffic flow, as well as site lines for pedestrians and cyclists.

Our team’s IFC drawings for the Mountain Loop Bikeway included a detention pond and stormwater runoff and balanced tree preservation while mitigating floodplain impacts. During the design phase, we worked with local fire departments to improve fire response access to the Chemistry Building on campus. As the project transitioned to construction, our team provided on-site field observation services and contract administration, ensuring the improvements were constructed according to the plans and specifications. With our deep understanding of the design, we were able to work with the contractor to quickly resolve issues encountered in the field.


Colorado State University


Fort Collins, CO



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