Greeley Wastewater Treatment Reclamation Facility Nitrification Phase II

The City of Greeley’s Wastewater Treatment Reclamation Facility has a capacity of 14.7 million gallons per day (MGD) and serves a community of over 109,000 people. The Nitrification Phase II project was the first completed at the facility to address the State of Colorado nutrient removal requirements outlined in the Colorado Water Quality Division’s Regulation 85. Ditesco, an ESP company, was contracted as the owner’s representative, performing daily on-site resident engineering and construction management services over the three-year construction phase.

Converting the facility to a Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) treatment process called for a high-performing project team that prioritized collaboration and a project-first mentality. Improvements and upgrades included repairing four existing 1 MG aeration basins; replacing four return activated sludge (RAS) pumps; installing a new fifth RAS pump, a new 1.1 MG aeration basin, two 1 MG selector basins; and constructing a mixed liquor return (MLR) pump station, a new pre-fabricated electrical building, yard piping, and various site and process improvements across the facility.

A project of this magnitude also required a robust quality control and assurance program. Our team managed this effort by performing specialty inspections for structural steel and concrete, masonry, coatings, pipe, manhole, concrete flatwork, and asphalt paving. We leveraged our engineering expertise to address field changes and provide prompt issue resolution. The nature of this project also required complex construction phasing and schedule control.

Our team expertly managed the needs of plant staff and the contractor, Garney Construction, to ensure upgrades were completed and the facility maintained operations with minimal disruption. The project team delivered these improvements on schedule and below budget amid extreme temperatures and unprecedented challenges. Now, the city is one step closer to seeing its capital improvement plan executed.


City of Greeley


Greeley, CO


14.7 million gallons per day


Completed in 2023

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