City of Charlotte On-Call Utility Coordination Contract

This multi-year utility relocation project involves Duke Power, AT&T, Time Warner Cable, Piedmont Natural Gas, and Charlotte Department of Transportation (signal fiber). ESP worked with Duke to help adjust the project phasing to keep Duke crews working on site, as they are the primary utility on this project. Both AT&T and Time Warner Cable attach to the Duke Pole line. Duke, AT&T, and Time Warner Cable also have underground installation of cable and fiber cable as part of their system. 

To avoid construction conflicts, ESP and Duke phased street lighting to be installed after the storm drain system and sidewalk were completed. ESP worked with the City Inspector, Project Manager, Construction Manager, and utility providers to resolve several areas where the storm drain system and lighting were in conflict based on the original project plans.

ESP also worked with AT&T to address underground fiber cable and phone line conflicts with the storm drain system. Cross sections, profiles, and plan reviews were completed. Location of new utilities, right-of-way, SUE, and easements were also staked by a Registered Land Surveyor, and a survey staking review was held with all utility providers. 

Excel spreadsheets of potential utility conflicts were created and provided to the City Business Manager for review and comments. ESP worked with the City Survey Party to correct an elevation error found on the plans as well as with the city team members to receive and coordinate all property owner complaints.


City of Charlotte


Charlotte, NC



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