Poplar Grove Pump Station

ESP designed and permitted a wastewater pump station that discharges to a sewer network maintained by Charleston Water Systems. The pump station is projected to handle approximately 120,000 gpd of wastewater from the Poplar Grove residential development in Ravenel, SC. The pumping system includes design of a duplex pump station, 8-foot diameter pre-cast wet well 32 feet in depth, electrical controls, site layout, grading, and erosion control measures.

Poplar Grove Pump Station

The project also includes the design of approximately 15,000 linear feet of 6-inch force main with a connection to the existing gravity sewer line conveying flow to the Charleston Water System’s Rocky Top 1 pump station. Design and permitting includes coordination with DCWS, Charleston Water, SCDHEC, and developer of the Poplar Grove neighborhood. ESP also provided shop drawing review, construction observation, and final testing during the construction phase of the project. 


Dorchester County


120,000 gallons per day


Completed in 2021

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